An informational guide to prevent or decrease flat head syndrome and neck asymmetry in newborns to babies up to 3 months of age
What is plagiocephaly?
Plagiocephaly (also called deformational plagiocephaly (DP), positional plagiocephaly, flat head syndrome, or plagio) is the flattening of an infant's skull, due to external factors. This deformation may appear from birth, with the condition peaking at 4-6 months. It is caused when the child favors resting on one side, placing more pressure on a particular area of the head. To identify plagio, observe your baby’s head shape.
What is neck asymmetry (torticollis)?
Torticollis is a condition wherein the baby's neck is asymmetrical with the head rotated to one side and tilted to the opposite side. It can be positional (no muscle tightness) or muscular (neck muscle is tight). It is found to appear alongside plagio, in up to 97% of cases.